Claudine is so much healthier than she was in March 2009 when she came to Urukundo (see Archive Blog post "Claudine Arrives March 2009"). She arrived skin and bones at 15 pounds and was two years old. She had cataract surgery in August and can now see (to what extent we still aren't sure). She has been fitted with glasses to help her continue to heal. While she was being tested for her cataract surgery they found a hole in her heart. She underwent surgery to correct the holes in November 2009. Doctors from Belgium donated their services so all we had to pay for was the hospital room for surgery. God is good!
This picture was taken in May 2010. Louise, from UK, is one of Claudine's biggest fans. Louise come every weekend (on her off time) from Kigali to help rehabilitate Claudine. Here you see how far Claudine has come. She is now standing on her own two feet and supporting her body weight. She still has a long way to go.
We have no idea what long term challenges that Claudine faces because of her struggle to survive when she was so young. But we do know that Jesus and Urukundo love her very much. We will continue to help her become all that God wants her to be.
Claudine's Grandmother came to visit her last weekend. Her Grandmother looked pleasantly surprised at how much Claudine had grown. We ask that you continue to pray for Claudine as she gets stronger and soon will walk.
The stark reality of life in Rwanda is that Claudine was left to die. When a child is born with physical or mental challenges they are often neglected to the point of death. Claudine was blind with cataracts at birth and the mother gave her to Grandma and Grandma didn't know what to do so she was brought to us. God has a plan for Claudine's life and we feel privilege to be a part of it!
She looks wonderful. She's come so far. God bless UHFC.