Suzanne Evans arrived on Wednesday and plans on doing some basic health outdoor clinics and also plans on going to the schools to help children learn about good health practices. Andria and I worked hard trying to get our house ready for guests. Susan Hearn, Suzanne's cousin, is also a nurse and will be arriving in a week. We spent time going to the District office yesterday to file the proper papers for permission for the outdoor clinics. We should hear back next week.

Here Suzanne reads to the neighbors. She loves to take walks through the neighborhoods and plays with the children. She took Emmanuel with her as a translator. The hills make it for a great workout too!
It is fun having guests. Suzanne made us French toast this morning. This weekend we will go into Kigali and spend the weekend running errands and enjoying the city. Suzanne's daughter, Tracy, has been our friend for a couple of years when we met at an orphanage in Gitarama. We saw her again this past summer as she was with her team from "Kids Play International". KPI is a nonprofit that introduces sports to disadvantaged children all over the world. They donated $1,000's to Rwanda last year and are planning a return trip this summer.
We hope to partner with Kids Play international as we develop our new Mission Center (City of Joy)- made up of a: church, school, community center and medical center.